Ready for real training?

Whether we’re your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack.

In-Home Dog Training: Is it right for you?

Curly-Haired Woman With Yellow Pants Offering A Treat To A White Dog

Welcome to the ultimate in-home dog training guide! If you’re looking to transform your dog into a well-behaved and obedient companion without leaving the comfort of your home, in-home training may be the perfect option for you. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of in-home dog training, discussing everything from […]

5 Basic Dog Training Commands You Can Learn How to Teach

A Dalmatian Sitting on the Grass Shaking the Owner's Hand

The foundation of a harmonious relationship with your dog is built on basic obedience training. Teaching your dog basic training commands improves their behavior, boosts their overall well-being, enhances communication between you and your dog, and strengthens your bond with your pet. In this blog post, we’re exploring five essential commands that every dog should […]

Board and Train Dog Training: Is it right for you?

German Shepherd Lying In Brown Grass

Dog owners often encounter a plethora of options and information when searching for training options and programs, leaving them overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn.  If you’ve found yourself navigating through the sea of dog training programs and run into the term “board and train dog training,” this blog post will give you clarity […]

How to Train a Reactive Dog: Guidance from Professionals

Black Mix Dog Looking At Human Hand

Simply put, there’s no quick fix for dog reactivity. You can read advice on how to stop your dog from barking on walks or find tips for calming your dog when they’re lunging at your neighbors, but they won’t solve the problem. They’re only band-aid solutions. The reality is that properly addressing dog reactivity takes […]

What is dog reactivity? Here’s what you need to know

A Black and White Dog Being Held by a Woman

It’s a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon. You and your dog are out for a walk in your neighborhood. So far, everything is going great. Suddenly, up ahead, another dog comes around the corner with their owner in tow. You tense up—you know what’s coming next. You can feel your dog becoming more anxious with every […]

The Dog Owner’s Guide to E-Collar Training for Dogs

A Man Crouching Down to Pet His White Dog

E-collars are an extremely effective training tool when used properly and responsibly under the guidance of a balanced dog trainer. In fact, an e-collar can do more to keep your dog safe than almost any other training tool out there. However, there’s much about the use of e-collars for dog training that is misunderstood or […]

Clicker Training for Dogs: What It Is & How It Works

Clicker training is great for teaching dogs obedience and reinforcing good behavior. Our balanced trainers at Koru K9 use it every day with many of the dogs we work with across the country. However, we’ve found that many dog owners are unclear about exactly what clicker training is, how it works and what its benefits […]

What are Classical & Operant Conditioning in Dog Training?

Small White Dog Running Across Flowered Field

Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are methods of learning that professional dog trainers use to shape and modify behavior. But what do “classical conditioning” and “operant conditioning” actually mean? How are the two methods applied in dog training? How do they differ from each other? In this post, we’ve set out to answer those questions, […]

How to Train Your Puppy: Tips for Avoiding Behavioral Issues

A Black and Brown Puppy Laying Next to a Swimming Pool

You’ve found the perfect little addition to your pack! Now it’s time to get your puppy’s training off on the right paw. Dog training is a lifelong journey that starts with shaping your puppy’s behavior so you can nip behavioral issues in the bud and lay the foundation for a healthy relationship with your pet. […]

A day in the life of a Koru K9 balanced dog trainer

A Brown and White Dog Sitting and Waiting In Front of Their Owner

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become a balanced dog trainer? We can tell you from experience: one of the best parts about being a balanced dog trainer is that no two days are ever the same. Every day comes with new challenges, new wins and new rewards. What does one […]