Ready for real training?

Whether we’re your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack.

Carly Werner

Woman Squatted In Front Of A Blue Mural With Two Black Pitbulls

“I’ve lived with all kinds of pets for as long as I can remember. Having dogs at home, I saw them more than just a family pet. I spent most of my time outdoors taking my dogs wherever I went. As I grew older and moved away from home, I adopted two of my own dogs and they quickly became my entire personality. I spent hours training them and playing with them but it wasn’t until my younger dog turned about two that he showed signs of reactivity towards strangers and other dogs. Feeling sad and alone I thought I may never be able to give my dog the life I wanted for him. We got in touch with a local trainer in the area and after he came back home we couldn’t believe his transformation. I fell in love with learning about dog behavior and wanted to help other owners feel the joy I felt seeing how much my dog could enjoy life. I spent hours reading and researching any information I could find to further my knowledge. Soon after I spent the majority of my free time training my parents dog and friends dogs for free, explaining why dogs think and behave certain ways. Since moving to Washington, I’ve attended a few seminars and even plan to entire the sport dog world soon! Training and helping owners build a strong bond with their best friends will never be a job for me, it’s a way of life.”